Museum of Musical Instruments in Almaty, Kazakhstan

Raju Kocharekar
2 min readApr 11, 2022


Museum of Musical Instruments in Almaty

I must admit that I wasn’t as keen on visiting the Museum of Musical Instruments in Almaty Kazakhstan, even though this museum is rated as one of the top museums in Almaty. I like to listen to music, but beyond that, I have very little knowledge and understanding of playing musical instruments.

I was however pleasantly surprised. The museum has some instruments that I am familiar with, the others were somewhat different in shape and size than what I was accustomed to seeing, and some others were quite unfamiliar. As much as it’s about sound, the instruments also are beautiful to look at in their various structures and shapes.

But what intrigued me the most is the reassertion of the spread of music and musical instruments across regions and times. Music, like other cultural elements, can freely cross national boundaries, shaping and reshaping along the way. It also mutates into various new forms over time as creative artists respond to the changing environment and their own experiences.

The venue also reminded me that I was at the center of the Eurasian continent, which spans both Europe and Asia. The museum included instruments from China to Europe and from Siberia and Mongolia to India. Central Asia is of course well known for the Silk Road. I was aware that it wasn’t just the physical goods that were being traded along the Silk Road, but also the ideas and innovations. But I had not thought of music in that specific context.

I feel lucky to have the opportunity for this exposure. However, I also know that my highly limited knowledge of the topic constrains me personally from having a much richer appreciation of the topic. I am therefore posting the pictures and videos in Facebook, especially for those who can sing this particular song of humanity with a lot deeper appreciation than I would ever imagine. What a wonderful world!

